Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Short Time in the Life of a Teacher

I begin the week by getting up. This is the part I hate the most. I wake up, my breath stinks, my hair covers my face like a mop and I look like I have been run over a few times! No problem, I'll soon sort that out! My alarm clock shocks me into a conscious state – it is horrible; it reminds me of the school fire alarm and it is just as loud too! So, not only am I very wide awake but I am dying of a cardiac arrest! Yes, it's Monday morning and no, it is not a terrible dream; so I throw off my covers and crawl out of bed. My room is small but snug. I like it like that. The terracotta walls are warm, the bed is a fresh white and my dressing table is a lovely pale wood, which is very hard to come by. I like things to be minimalist and tidy, there is nothing lying on the floor and my dressing table consists of a mirror and hairbrush, I'm not one for make-up. As my eyes adjust to the light, I can already tell that it is a pleasant day, the room has a stimulating feeling to it, which is different to any other day, where the sky is overcast and the sea is crashing over the wall outside of my window. I get washed, run downstairs and cram all that wonderful work that I did last night into my bag. Then I throw on my leathers, jump onto my Honda VTR 1000 sp-2 (the most amazing motorbike in the world!) and I'm off! I have a bit of a passion for motor bikes, I always have. When I was younger I used to cycle to school. I always wanted a motor bike but I was obviously too young at the age of fifteen and when I got to eighteen, the bike was too expensive to insure. Now I have my bike and I am the biker chic of the century, to be honest, I feel very superior to the people I whiz past when I am on my bike and they are sitting in their dreary cars! It takes me half an hour in the morning with all the traffic, I can weave in and around all the cars but I still have to wait at the traffic lights, which seem to change red every time I come close to them! There are a lot of people on their bikes in the morning, I do not know why there are so many, I recognise everyone and they all know who I am. Every day I wave or nod to the same people and they return the gesture. It is a friendly feeling when you live in such a small place. Before I know it, I am at school. I take my black helmet off and stare up at the massive building. It is ugly on the outside but at least it has a story to tell; that is what I like about old buildings, they always have a great history to them. I park my bike by the side of the huge granite stairs that I have to trundle up before I can get to the doorway. When I arrive at the giant door I turn the handle and the door swings open on its own accord, it is so heavy that I have to use all my weight to close it again. Once it is closed I lean against it, facing the inside of the school and breathe in the air which has not yet been moved by any one except for the school cat and the janitor. No one is here; seven thirty in the morning is a bit too early for most of the students and staff. Most of them will still be in bed until eight o'clock! I like the school when it is empty; it has a nice feeling to it. I sometimes imagine that it is my house and that I live here all alone, that it is my mansion. The illusion is broken when the janitor strolls past me, â€Å"Good morning Taisie!† He remarks cheerily. John has been here since six this morning; I cringe to think what time he has to rise! My form room is on the second floor, so I spring up the staircase that leads from the main entrance. I love the staircases here. The banisters are intricately designed with beautiful patterns and the deep red mahogany shines as the light bounces off it from the tremendous chandelier that hangs from the ceiling. The stairs twist upwards to the second floor. I walk down the corridor and take in the wonderful feeling of the quiet school; in an hour there will be young ladies screaming down the hallway laughing and gossiping about what they did on Friday night. Now, the only sound I can hear is that of my feet padding down the stone pathway. The walls echo at every sound I make but the feeling of being totally alone is welcomed. My door has a solid brass handle; it is freezing cold and my hands seem to invite the refreshing feeling of something cool after wearing black leather gloves. As I twist the handle and open the door, the hinges creek. I feel a blast of hot air as the box that is my classroom gasps for a breath. It is always hot in my room but that is the price I have to pay for having a classroom that over looks the tennis courts and swimming pool. I do not mind though, I spent most of my time in the drama studio, English is the subject I teach less of at the moment. I dump my pack on the floor and run off to the staff changing room to exchange my leather gear for my trousers, shirt and Jacket (not forgetting about my shoes but did you really want to know that?). After I have organised my books and plan for the day, I force myself to go to the staff room. I hate the staff room. Don't get me wrong, I like to socialise with all my colleagues but sometimes I can have more of an intelligent conversation with my pupils. I feel that I am the only member of staff who actually cares about my students. I am fed up of listening to an assemblage of adults who think that they are far superior to the rest of the adult community just because they are teachers. I sometimes wonder if any of them care about the students' welfare – after all, they're â€Å"just part of the job.† When I was at college, I wanted to help. All the way through school, I wanted to change the way people thought about teachers but now I realise that I am fighting a losing battle. I am the only one who does not expect the â€Å"ladies† to be perfect. I think about their future, I treat them as individuals and talk about them in a positive way, I want to help them and not just treat them as â€Å"another case I have to deal with every day.† They are not just a student body, they are individuals and I am fed up of my colleagues always seeing the bad side of the pupils, how is that going to help them? Although I said that I am fighting a losing battle, I live in hope. I still treat them as individuals or young adults and I realise that they are actually people, not just part of the job, even if no one else does. ‘ And this is for your form Taisie' The deputy head, Sharyn Tinton, shoves a wadge of paper into my hand with rules and regulations plastered all over them – the usual – no jewellery, no body piercing, no blah, blah, blah. The girls already know what not to wear and what is appropriate; I am tired of hearing it over and over! Me telling the students to take their nose piercing out is not going to make any difference whatsoever. That does not mean to say that I do not tell them off if they do have it visible but I think, â€Å"what you don't know, won't hurt you!† ‘ I have to go to arrange my class for their form assembly, Sharyn.' ‘Alright then, scurry off to your class!' Scoffed Sharyn, she cannot stand the fact that I might actually care about my form! And â€Å"Scurry off† – what on earth's that suppose to mean – god give me strength! I decide to take the long way to my form room, which means I have to walk half way around the school but I need time to clear my head. I have to keep a positive attitude; I don't want to end up like Sharyn Tinton. ‘ Miss. Holcroft?' Yes, I am a Miss. I am not married and I do not have any children. I am a twenty seven-year old single teacher. I enjoy the freedom but at times I get depressed and I wish I could go home to someone besides my cat that would give me a hug and tell me that everything would turn out okay. Instead, I am going to grow old on my own, with no children and no husband; I'll be the cat woman†¦. ‘ Miss. Holcroft!' ‘Yes Lara?' A familiar voice. Lara always has an excuse. Even when she hands her work in on time, she has to elaborate on how her printer made the lines uneven. Maybe it is a compulsive disorder, I wouldn't know, I never did psychology! ‘ I handed in my essay but I've just realised that I never wrote a conclusion!' ‘ Lara, don't worry, I'll read it through and you can write a conclusion for next Wednesday, is that alright by you?' ‘Yes thank you Miss.' And she skips down the corridor, pleased that she has managed to make yet another thing wrong with her work! It is strange, I see so many different personalities and every single one is a pleasure to work with! Essay. English Essay. GCSE course work essay, which means more marking, which means more staying after school – late! I have now come to the locker room, which happens to be the only one that is in the corridor. All the other ones have their own rooms, why my forms one has to be in the corridor, I don't know! As I stroll past the bright orange and grey lockers, a girl passes me quickly. I know who she is, she's in my English and Drama classes; we seem to get along just fine but when it comes to passing her in the corridor, she is a different person. She keeps her eyes glued to the floor and swerves as far away from me as possible. I do not know why she does it but I know it is not personal because she does it to every member of staff – especially the male teachers. I do wonder about her sometimes. I'll speak to her after Drama†¦ maybe. As I get closer to my form room I can hear laughing and screaming and I can guess where it is coming from, so I rush to my door. ‘ ALRIGHT CLASS, SETTLE DOWN!' I have to raise my voice several decibels to compete with the racket that manages to come out of twenty-four pupils' mouths. ‘ Morning Miss.!' They all announce in unison. I never asked them to say good morning but they always do! ‘ Unfortunately guys, I'm going to have to lecture you all about behaviour, uniform and monthly events.' Several groans from the class ‘ As you can all see, I have a wadge of paper to get through so for your benefit, as well as mine, you should all keep quiet – that way I can speed through this in no time. But first thing's first – register!' I skim through the names, I know them in order by heart now and the routine is the same every day.' Kelly, Sam, Fiona, Laura†¦ I haven't seen her. Oh, there you are, hiding at the back of the class – put that brain fryer away! Katie, Sam†¦' And it goes on, they do not need to answer, I know who is there already and if I have not seen them, then they have to tell me. As far as absences go, I never have any. Late marks on the other hand, are a different story! â€Å"Now for the lecture, which I know you are all going to love!' And I trundle through the piles and piles of paper that Sharyn gave me. I look around the classroom as I speak and all I can see are tired, bored faces. They all know what I am going to say before it even comes out of my mouth†¦ ‘ Litter is not acceptable in the canteen area, or anywhere else for that matter – Becky, quiet – school jackets must be worn at all times outside of school, you made them make fitted ones instead of blazers, now wear them!' ‘And what if I cycle?' Marie shouts at the top of her voice. ‘You wrap the jacket about your head like a turban when you cycle! What do you think Marie, you have already asked me that before! I know it's a Monday morning but try to get your brain in gear before the day starts!' ‘If she has one!' Becky interrupts and the whole class laughs, including Marie. ‘Okay, I won't bring it then?' ‘Actually, keep it in your locker just in case Miss. Tinton decides to walk us all down to the church suddenly, like last week. If it is in your locker, you will always be prepared for her little â€Å"surprises†.' ‘ And finally; your shoes have to be FLAT. Yuck, I know but you just have to like it or lump it. Think about it ladies. If you lot look dressed up with belts as skirts – not saying any of you do – and platform shoes for school, you will look the same when you go out at the weekend and what's the point in that?' A young lady at the back of the class shoots her hand up in the air. ‘ Yes Sarah?' ‘Can I go to the loo please?' ‘You can†¦ but you may not!' Sarah sits there with her eyes crossed as the rest of the form laugh. One of the girls next to her is kind enough to explain what my last sentence just indicated and when she finally comprehends, she slides back into her chair, her face as red as a tomato! ‘Seen as you said ‘please', you may go to the loo. Just remember what to say next time!' As soon as Sarah runs out the classroom, the form bursts into fits of laughter. ‘I'm glad to see that you're all awake now. Does anyone have anything valuable that they wish to say?' ‘Georgina loves Simon!' Screams Becky and the bell rings. ‘Good morning class.' ‘Good morning Miss.' And they're gone. * My morning starts with Drama – just the lesson I need to wake the students (and myself) up. Drama is my subject; Drama is the subject. I have been doing Drama, theatre studies and degrees in the performing arts all my life and now, I am teaching it. I am head of the Drama Department. My year nine class is preparing for their play. They chose it; they were fed up of my â€Å"morbid† plays. But I think that it brings out the true potential of the students. Anger and sorrow are the two easiest (in my opinion) emotions to perform well. The girls seem to think other wise. They have chosen ‘Alice in Wonderland', which, I must admit, is a wonderful story for both adults and children – so well written. Luckily the class arrives five minutes late, at least I have some time to get all my things in order. A goblin seems to have rushed about my office and thrown all my lesson plans around and messed up my whole week! They all sit in a circle and immediately start talking about â€Å"stuff†. I don't know why they always sit down because I always ask them to stand right up again! Scanning the class, I can see that every one is here. It is strange that at the age of 14, the girls are still in their little groups. It saddens me to think that there is always one girl who gets left out. I can't see anything wrong with her. She is mature, sensible†¦ I see, she's mature! This lot is very giggly; they sit in their little groups plaiting each other's hair and singing. There is one group in the middle of the class. I can tell and have also been informed that this is the â€Å"cool† group. In my opinion, they are not cool at all. They are the cockiest, rudest pick of the bunch. I can't remember when they last handed their homework in. They refuse to enjoy doing anything that involves any one whom is not in their group. In the near left corner are the â€Å"geeks†. They look extremely studious, only one of them wears glasses but at this school, like many others, the length of your skirt decides your â€Å"class†. The â€Å"geeks† have decent length skirts – which obviously makes them really â€Å"sad†. Then, in the near right corner are the people who are â€Å"semi-geeks†, â€Å"gliders† or â€Å"sailors† (who make up these STUPID names?) They are the people, who are friendly to everyone, don't always have perfect homework but hand it in most of the time and don't fit into any extreme gr oup. Then there is one girl, who always sits in the far-left corner of the room, reading her book and not hurting anyone. She is quiet and lacks in self-confidence, mainly because of her past with bullying and the fact that everyone rejects her because she likes to read (don't ask). She is the mature one, the girl who is very knowledgeable but no one finds out – not even the rest of the staff – because they don't have time for her or they don't like the length of her skirt. It'll never change; it was the same when I was at school! ‘Stand up please' And I begin the lesson. A whole hour of drama. I warm them up, get them to run about screaming (I know this makes them feel silly but hey!) and finally sit down and watch them do their play, shouting ‘No, no, no. You don't laugh when you are crying, you do it like this!' And I fling myself into their world of make believe showing them how to do it. I told the girls whom they were going to play and when I told them that Danielle (the quiet young lady who sits in the far-left corner) was going to be Alice they threw a tiff. Not after class but right in front of Danielle. ‘It's alright Miss. Holcroft, I'll just be a tree or something if no one wants me to do it.' She whispered. I had comments such as ‘She can't act!' and ‘ She's too fat to be Alice.' Not only can Danielle act; she is FAR from fat. In fact, she dances eight times a week and is the most skeletal young girl I have seen in a while, I know she used to be a bit heavier but they obviously just kept her nickname. They are now coming to realise that Danielle can act and is very good at it too. I think they are a bit jealous to be honest. They are doing well and need little direction from me but when things start to slow down; I'll jump into the scene and throw my ideas around the set for them to catch if they wish. Danielle just stands there. I know she has good ideas, I've seen her writing them down and sticking them in her school diary but she is too nervous to say anything. I get frustrated standing there watching her brain working over and over and yet, she stands there, expressionless. There's nothing much I can do in class and I don't want to frighten her off by asking her to stay behind in front of the class but I so want her to say what she is thinking, I want to know why she avoids people in the corridors, why she reads and reads. Why am I so†¦aggravated? This is why we are not allowed to care; we have to â€Å"get on with our job†. But the girls in this school are people just like us teachers, just younger. If one of my colleagues were doing the same, it would not be considered strange for me to try to help. But the moment we try to help a student with anything other than work, we are told we are getting too close. It's all a big circle though. It will affect their work if it gets worse and I want to stop it before it gets to that stage. How? After half an hour of watching them I get out strips of paper and write comments on them, of what I think of their work. I do not usually do this but I have an idea. Every one has to improve projection and develop character but there are little things that people are just not doing right. So, I write them on bits of paper and the students don't get embarrassed, I'm seeing if it changes the way they act. Genius. Everyone starts to walk out of the class, Danielle at the back and I say, ‘Oh, Danielle, can you help me with something in my office, I would just like you to take something to Mr. O'Hara as well.' No one turns around, no one cares and no one laughs. Good. I did not plan to speak to her, it just came out of my mouth, now I have to decide on what I am going to say to her (this is where improvisation skills come in handy!) When all but one have left the class I sit down on one of the black bean bags that sits in the far left corner of the class. Danielle is standing there reading her book. So now what do I say? ‘Danielle, your acting is really coming on, what do you think of the play so far?' Now she'll tell me what she's thinking. ‘S'fine.' She manages to say without looking up. It was not a rude comment, but I could not read any expression in her voice. I need to feed her a longer line. ‘How do you think we could improve the play? I'm sure you have some ideas, I can see you thinking when someone suggests something that you don't approve with†¦' ‘Can you?' She looks up ‘Sorry, I don't mean to I just†¦' ‘Danielle, don't apologise, I think they give the most stupid suggestions too, you and I both know that putting a brown paper bag over someone's face is not going to work as a mask!' Relief spreads over me as I actually see a smile spread across her face and she giggles. I rarely see her smile, if ever and when she does, I know it means something, I don't know what. I just know. I sit there for fifteen minutes, talking to her about how we could improve the play and I found out that she thinks of the same things as me and spots the same tiny mistakes that people make. She told me that she gave up suggesting things because people ignored her whatever the idea and relied on me to say what she was thinking. I promised her I would suggest that the class does the things Danielle pointed out and I also promised that I would not mention her name and we would see how they reacted to them. She smiled. I returned the gesture. And she went to her next lesson. That was not hard, and I received a smile! When I connect with a student, it is what makes the job worth while, not when I make one cry (Sharyn Tinton†¦.) Next period is a break for me, which gives me time to sort out all my lesson plans. I only teach three lessons today, which means I have lots of free time to mark essays and drama assignments. How exciting. Marking has to be the worst thing about teaching. The reason everyone loves leaving school when they are eighteen is because there will be no more homework when they get a job and of course, they are leaving school. Well. For me, it is different, I am still at school and I still have homework and I still hate homework! The free period passes quickly and I have to come out of my little drama office to teach another lesson. This time it is year eleven's. Are they still in their groups? Yes. Is there one person left out writing in her diary? Yes. Does everyone hate her? No. This is the difference. In year nine, they reject the out cast ignore her and hate her; in year eleven, they just reject her and ignore her, when they all have to work together, they can have a descent conversation with her but she does not respond so they give up. Why does she not respond? I think it is because she is fed up – fed up of people being so two faced. I would not know. GCSE drama, a great subject to be doing a GCSE in but what the students don't realise is that it is not a â€Å"dos† subject. Instead of teaching this lesson, I decide to lecture them on tardiness, forgetfulness and respect. They all sit there with long faces probably thinking oh just SHUT UP! But I don't mind – one of the student's talks to her friend and I send her out, I believe in giving people chances, but I have had so many complaints from group members about their peers not participating that I just blew it. None of them have ever seen me shout before, so I think it was very effective. No one talked as they walked out the class and I had several of them come up to me and apologise! Success! Lunch break. Or should I say, sit in my English â€Å"box† and mark homework to give to my next class. English homework is the worst. I sometimes wish I had been a maths teacher, all one has to do it get it right or wrong and if the answer is wrong, the teacher just puts a cross by it! English is a different matter entirely. I have to read every single word looking for spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and punctuation errors. Then I have to see if they have the content sorted out. I have to look for references to Shakespeare and the title etc. The list goes on! Before I know it, the bell has rung and I have a full classroom. Year nines. I have already had some of them this morning for Drama and it is interesting to see how they have changed from the morning to the afternoon – they have not! In the morning they are not quite awake yet and in the afternoon they are starting to fall asleep! I have pushed all the desks to the edges of the room – this lesson we are having a discussion. I have bought beanbags and cushions and put them in a circle and instead of teaching this lesson, I am sitting listening and taking part. The discussion is about Shakespeare's (oh whoopdeedoo) play The Merchant of Venice. The class has to take a side a) I feel sympathy for Shylock and b) I don't! The discussion goes well, with all members taking part in the discussion, no one talks while someone else is talking and it is a relaxed lesson with no pressure to perform well. Danielle actually smiles, everyone gives their homework in and I even receive a card from someone! I'll open it when I get home. I pack my belongings and work into my backpack and go to the loo's where I leave my clothes in a locker. I exchange my uniform for my leathers and close the door to the shower rooms. Walking down the corridor, I see happy students running around and collecting their possessions to take home with them. I walk down the stairs and meet the cat at the bottom. Stroking him with my one uncovered hand I tell him I'll see him tomorrow and seven thirty and I stand up. The huge, heavy door is already open, so I don't have to open it. I look at the lawn outside of the school and the students catching a lift home. As I walk down the stairs, I receive many goodbyes and smiles. I jump onto my Honda VTR 1000 sp-2 and just as I am about to put on my helmet I hear someone shout, â€Å"BYE MISS HOLCROFT!† It's Danielle! â€Å"Good bye Danielle!† I reply, put on my helmet, turn on the engine and zoom off! I arrive home half hour an later and switch some music on – classical, my favourite! Change into my dance pants and tee shirt, sit down, get my book from my bag and I open it. As I do so, something falls out of it; it is the card I found on my desk this afternoon. I open the card and it reads: Dear Miss Holcroft, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love Danielle xx Some one remembered.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Never Forget Event in My Life Essay

There is an event that I will never forget in my life. It was the day experienced my first accident in the river. At that time, I and my friends came to river to fishing after having a class in the afternoon. at exactly3. 00 pm, I got there on foot and brought all fishing equipments. we were so happy and singing together. sometimes we made a joke and screamed like a crazy man. It was a nice and unforgettable childhood. In the fishing place, we made a chair from unuseful wood around of the river. Then, we sat on it and fishing together. Close to an hour, we had not got even one fish and made us felt so bored. Although, we were still going on and tried it again and again. About 30 minutes later, the float of my fishing equipment moved. Then my friend said that â€Å"you got it† and I pulled it and finally I got one fish, but it was not too big. I felt so happy and all of my friends came to me to see that fish. Then, they back to their sit and tried it again 15 minutes later, they got it one by one. one hour later, we had got many fish about 23 fish. One of my friend told me that â€Å" it is better to swim because it is so hot today. † All of my friend agreed and decided to stop fishing and swimming in the river. One by one they jumped in the river but at that time I felt so doubt to jump because I could not swim but my friends gave me spirit and one of them said that â€Å" you are a loser â€Å". Of course, that was made me angry. Then I jumped into the water. Because I could not swim, I asked help to my friends, but they could not help me because they were far enough from me. Suddenly, I looked at a wood float on the water on my right side, I reached it and hold it. It had saved my life. I was so scare and took a deep breath. All of my friends laughed me and they came to me and took me to the land. They asked me that â€Å"why did not you tell us that you cannot swim ? â€Å" and just said† I just want to having fun with you all. † Then they took me to the water again and taught me to swim well. I tried it and one hour later I did it even it was not to well, but I had made good trying. They were so happy and so did I. That was a nice and unforgettable childhood. I have many best many friends and they are helpful. At that time, I realized that if we want to do something, we have to think about it well before, even it is just a little thing in our life. An important event changed my life – going to the university Everyone knows how Cinderella changed her life after meeting the prince. I have my own Cinderella story. I was a little girl who was always in shame. I studied hard but always got bad scores. All my friends were my neighbors. I had never gone to a far place without keeping my family company. However, an amazing change happened in 1989. I did not meet the prince, but passed the universities’ entrance examination. As lucky as Cinderella, I went to the top university of my country. My life was changed from that moment. The first change was independence. I lived in a church dormitory which was near the campus; my parents could not cook and do laundry for me anymore. I had to deal with everything by myself even handle accidents. Once, I fell down from a scooter and hurt my neck and head. I knew I had to save myself at that moment. My parents knew that their little girl had grown up after that. Now, I study alone in a country far from my hometown I can live here as well as I do in my own place. Getting confidence in myself has led me to more successes. I got my first award of the top five percent in my class in the second year. I was not as smart as a lot of geniuses on the campus, but I got great scores in my interesting subjects. I was active in student activities. We succeeded in holding a campus book exhibition. We survived a serious typhoon when we had a tour in the mountain area. When I became an elder student, I taught and took care of the younger students. An interesting major and abundant student activities built my confidence step by step. The last change deeply affects my work, my research, and my life now. The university provided a good environment to open my view. My university is famous for freedom – freedom of speech, freedom of life, and freedom in academics.

The New System Proposal: Riordan Cloud System

We would like to propose a Ordain Cloud system service that will maintain all of your training courses, software update, running diagnostics for Routine systems checks. For long as we all know it will be a lot easier for communication within the organization. What is the Cloud System Service? You can think of portable work station because of the fact you can access is on the World Wide Web or some kind of Wi-If or link. It's continuously available to all users anytime and anywhere on an Internet connection is that allows you to quickly find ATA, information, applications and tools to help you do your Job more efficiently.This cloud system service will allow your company to install from any access point to another access point on your cloud system service site to conduct training with your employees at any time necessary. This new cloud system service will incorporate all of the items that you already have in the work place. The only foreseeable problems will be, having hackers more f requently trying to breech into the system in order to gather information or account details. So as needed to upgrade your servers to the overload of to New System Proposal Page 2 handle the increased workload on them as well upgrading your systems or infrastructure.To make sure no mishaps will happen. Which large portion of your company's resources is making sure that everything and all your systems are install and having the right software updates. And this will be an added savings in being able to store more applications, software, and all need data entry forms for the company and everything else. That is the most important resources that the company needs to have a vast infrastructure. Your Cloud system is going to be a high asset for your business. How do you meet the major demands for speeds and agility while keeping most of the costs down.Build on the foundation of your Cloud system with technologies that increase its responsiveness, support, scaling, deployment of applicatio ns faster, and enable you to identify insights in your rapidly expanding volumes of data. This provides scaling, performance, infrastructure provisioning, power consumption, and security features you need to power your cloud. After all learning material that is needed for the cloud system service, we are guaranteeing that this will go above and beyond all requirements necessary for the true of your company.For the numbers and costs wise, are biggest factors to your the old type of systems. Using this cloud system service will drastically reduce all or any of those numbers and start to raise your workload and performance to achieve the upped most scholar awards to further the best interest for your company. Also will intended to get your company goes into a path off new direction on to newer technology and New System Proposal Page 3 developments to be a vast company.One thing that we trying to accomplish here is when designing this new cloud system service is to have but more and mor e people o the fact numbers and start to raise your workload and performance to achieve the upped most scholar awards to further the best interest for your company. Also will intended to get your company goes into a path of a new direction on to newer technology and developments to be a vast company. One thing that we trying to accomplish here is when designing this new cloud system service is to have but more and more people to the fact that were going to be more portable and on the go.To have a infrastructure is to reciprocate its time for the future to catch up to what we need our company to be. This will be your front line for your workers to have a larger and more accurate objective on when getting work done to they're co- workers liking. For those you whom need the more advance technology to have an in depth training on the systems. This cloud system service will be help accomplish new means of the computer based applications by being more accessible to more people. Then will it get used to it and then which will intend on the patent it or copyright it. Which can increase more Jobs and more revenue in the company.Also will get people more familiar with the yester to expand the infrastructure of the company to see how the company uses the cloud system service to make sure everyone does what there suppose to be doing. We want to have a set up so that you will be more advanced with a technology that hasn't been brought to New System Proposal Page 4 any other company to build a strong and reliable infrastructure to get more business and help no another has success. The application itself will ensure that the employee has understood these system and is ready to implement it to the work the is required by them.And also to make sure that the employees who view it retains he information system. This will also allow the company to reorganize or completely change the lessons in a way Those who need it more easily understand that. I can see that you're going to be asking you, well what about security concerns with the new system. This is why your system will be a will have to update and maximize your infrastructure and server's. The only way to gain access to the cloud system service is to log into your company's Internet service. This is the most secure way without any new procedures and for no reason to install or get a new system.Our first and only goal is ensure that everyone is receiving the training they need and to maintain the vast infrastructure that were trying to imply here to make you the best of all the up keeping that system and gathering all information that goes with it. They will be required to log in with their surname and password that will be set to expire every 90 days. This will prevent any login information from being intercepted by the certain one that is trying to get into the system from the backbone. This will intend to add a fail-safe in which there is an unlikely event that the network is improvised and not detect ed.Then your information will only be available for a limited time before the access is or will be denied by the 90-day change. Also there could be a employee badge to enable to login with using a Pin code or even a thumbprint to ensure New System Proposal Page 5 meets security measures and allow gain access to the server room in which where the cloud server is maintain and located at. The main benefits that are going to be available from this is that were going to be on you own private cloud system everything in maintained in house. Everything that theIT department is going to is strong have reliable infrastructures to make sure every issues can be heavily resourced. As its usage can slowly run all servers running on the same node. With a lack of ease from having a scalable upgraded or downgrading a server will involve manual procedures, which are all fully automated the cloud. They're going to update and provide a sense of readiness to this new environment to help us maintain a go od relation with no one getting inside of the private cloud system that we are prospered to you today.Some are simply ways of doing tasks, which could be accomplished, usually less well, by other means but most cases, the system could not otherwise be accomplished at all. , whereby using the private key, known only, encrypts data to the owning user. It can only be decrypted using the corresponding personal that can only be the IT department. We will not Just make this system available to anybody or by a trusted infrastructure, which enables and supports this. The crucial fact to bear in mind is that if anyone or any person Just walks into the infrastructure has an importance to the system to make sure no one gains access to system.Page 6 Now that we know what the benefits are of using a private infrastructure, let take a look back at our previous statement to where we stated about using the employee's badge as to authenticate the device or a smart card as you will. You may be asking yourself, why go through all the extra trouble of using a smart card or the employee's badge to login into this cloud system to help us to see that it's all done by in house by your people and there eyes-only. Using the private cloud system it will help to ensure that your network and files stay safe and secure from public infrastructure.As far as omen most of the concerns go, this new system will help with the environment. Since we could reuse your current infrastructure this will reduce the amount of waste from older systems being trashed or deleted.. But were are going to have to have an updated servers, sows can't take them and re-use them in our new infrastructure but we may ask you to upgrade your Ethernet. The benefits of having this TO Ethernet cable are many. But more off larger scale that needs to incorporate a vast ton of data and information onto your network so that data may be shared and utilized in real time or over a large distance from the rivers.We feel that this will help your company. From allowing it to use your cloud system service as a system to maintain itself and make sure its working properly with the infrastructure holding a strong common ground to materials. One of the many benefits of the TO Ethernet cable is that there are over a vast number of dedicated channels devoted to the network at all times which allows for a 45 Mbps. This is which it wills allows all page 7 of the your files will rapidly move from one section of the organization to the other at an amorous speed.The distance of sending and receiving files applications a numerous amounts of data at which intend will no longer be a problem with these kinds of speeds. This will allow the company workers and co- workers to converse between each other in case something goes wrong or they see a breech in the mainframe. The only way that there is a drawback to this is the type of network is that if it goes down there will is by utilizing the this is self-explanatory but in the e nd your mind will be blown away from everything that involved with it your company will be a priceless because you will save so much time and money.With the server you will be blown away from everything that involved with it your company will be a priceless because you will save so much time and money. With the server you can have an piece of equipment with the ability the have these upgraded servers it holds a strong shield around the company from having a someone Just coming in the network Just to take useful and important information. There are many options on going to have this cloud system service go from having a the cloud system storage, cloud backup data systems, management system.These systems are one of many that we can also do for the reasoning for that we're trying to indorse here. With these many options we can build your company to more advancement to make it more marketable. Page 8 This will prove invaluable to your company since there will be no need to physically ha ve your employee's, to tell or let other know about problems in the interface dealing with the cloud system in which it will tell everything that going on. This one feature alone could prove the worth in the entire investment, as we are sure you already know.Besides the lack of productivity among employees on assignment from the older systems where trying to market here a change in today world of working everything from one big infrastructure then Just having many employee's that can do this Just as there daily Job. This would allow the your company's assets to be better maintained in the same amount of work or even proven fact of 50% more workload and instead of less down time. The second available option is a Bonded TTL infrastructure.This is a system where you can your infrastructure going to any location at the rate mobs per line thus we can have the option can the maximum of iambs. There are advantages and only one disadvantage with this infrastructure that we will go over. The cost is compared too fractional of the TO infrastructure feature, and the limited scalability. Lets get into the cost of this big step of business a telecommunication lines from the cheapest to most expensive as of the following.By these options we can go into slowly stepping up our connection of keeping costs low and increase our bandwidth based on requirement of our new system. This will allow us to reduce startup costs from the needed bandwidth upgrade instead of having a large TO line that will meet any demands but increase our costs dramatically. The only disadvantage of this type f setup is its limited New System Proposal Page 9 scalability due to its cost limitations at bonded TTL lines the cost is greater than that off fractional TO. So in the end you would simply be paying extra for the having multiple bonded TTL lines.The option to upgrade too fractional TO or even a full TO can be made at a later date when a more accurate demand calculation is attained after initial impl ementation and operation of the new system. To summarize a bandwidth required by the new system. During our initial launch and early operation we will have it built into the connection creating a newer network to eliminate a potential connection issues. This will give us a great idea to where we stand with the output of true bandwidth demand of the new system and can guide us into upgrading into a fractional or full TO at a later date if necessary.Now as we have talked and given you our proposal let us get into why we are going forth with accomplishing all of this work to benefit of the distance of learning. Also with our new system we will have the upped most newest system from file sharing to going ahead and making a system that can mostly do anything to help you with little down time for your employees. In the end this upgrade to your system will benefit all of your current factories, as it will essentially link them all together as one.The concept of having this new system throu gh a network is exciting to many companies. There are many benefits to having access. One great advantage to the Ordain site will be the elimination of travel expenses for the company instructors going all over the place to use page this system and show how it going to work and what's its going to accomplish. This will obviously be easier on the travel budget but will also allow for a greater output f productivity since all employees will be on hand at any given time through a cloud system service that will always be at an arms reach.Also making an easier application will improve business communication though out the whole the organization. As stated there will be an easier platform for how we work, what goes on, and making sure the company is running a lot smoothly after everything is set up. We are actually consider many other devices and newer technology and also the companies mobile phone as a cloud like service as a device to the offices overseas and other countries after every thing is set up and implemented.Computers are necessary for the cloud system service but however we are going to come up with newer and improved services as those like, POI systems and tablets can be implemented over time in the near future we have to do everything one at a time to see how it all work and goes. We will make integration a much simpler process when combining everything to the cloud system services to help mainstream, the new applications to upgrade everything in our path to make sure your company is going to have the best-integrated system that it can have for the 22nd century.As we look on for the future blessing of Ordain where corporate is a one and only concern. We have the ability for your employees to be able to log in and access many applications, data, files through remote access. It has been proven that learning is page 10 well and every more informational easy when it's retained through a newer system the option to have higher speed streaming to simply have everything that employee's data right there at a simply log in. Ordain will also receive many boosts in speeds with working with files on their website and other distant servers. Giving the thanks o the higher through put this will create.While some see the upload of files as a minor annoyance with more bandwidth speed and a better infrastructure there will also be a certain benefits of increased of speed. One will be the ability to access files and change them. Considering the fact that Ordain serves as a manufacturing company this could be an important flaw in the material or the finished product are noticed and the production of plastic goods can be shut down while the problem is solved. Here time truly is money. This asset will also help ensure your design has the o ahead on everything they need no matter what. Thank you for taking the time to listen to our proposal.We have covered many areas including, we were here to provide you with a reason why you need to upgrading your sys tem, the security of using a public or private clouding system. That's ethical to have its concerns and how it will help reduce down time. Upgrading your existing Ethernet lines to a TO connection, and the benefits of why you should upgrade to our cloud system services. One of the many benefits in the areas of your company you're your employees to have a accessible and there willing to being able to virtually innocent all of your companies to one vast infrastructure will probably be the easiest Page 1 1 improvements to give .Security should be a benefit is not overlooked. With companies relying on there so heavily there is a need to protect them at all costs. We have ensured that there are several layers of protection to keep the network running and data safe. Should any questions or concern come along while reading our proposal for your company to have a new an improved like system to have what you need to get the Job done no matter what. Please don't be shy and feel free to give a all, or give us a email.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Supervisory Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Supervisory Management - Assignment Example This project seeks to develop various plans to accomplish these tasks in order to create her a good working environment when she reports back to work. Task 1- A list of changes that may be needed and a budget for each of the changes Many changes will be required to cater for the daily living activities. She may need personal care and assistance during work time. In order to enable this employee meet her private care needs, the possible accommodations are: provide her with personal attendant who will assist in eating, toileting and grooming. Provide schedules that are flexible to enable her undertake sick leave so that she can access medical attention. Create periodic breaks so that she can meet her needs in proper repositioning, grooming or toileting. Allow her bring an animal for service into the place of work. Most of these care needs are at no cost. The only cost incurred is approximately $150 per month to pay her personal attendant. This employee may encounter quite a number of o bstacles at the working station. These obstacles in turn create a number of limitations. Major changes will therefore take place to accommodate such obstacles. Provide accessible system of filing if she cannot reach lower and upper drawers in a filing cabinet that is vertical. Give her desks and tables that can be adjusted in height if she is not comfortable at the existing ones. If she cannot manipulate paper, provide her with book holders and page turners. Provide faxes and copiers so that she can easily access them while seated. Depending on her preferences and limitations, systems such as voice mail, automatic dialing, activated voice speakers and phones with large buttons can be provided. Other alternatives for computer access are provided depending on her preferences and limitations. These accessories are track balls, speech recognition, alternative keyboard, key guards and Morse code entry (Greer & Plunkett 2006). Most of these provisions are assets to the organization theref ore their costs are termed to be null. The employee also encounters other obstacles during travel to their work place. Major changes to counteract such obstacles are; ensuring accessibility to lodging, training or meeting site and transportation, renovating her wheelchair and other medical supplies. This is reported to be at a cost of $500 every month. In addition, a knee chair which is ergonomically designed is purchased to enable her attend meetings and perform tasks while seated. This is at a reported cost of 200 dollars. Task 2- A plan for ensuring that she will be treated in a sensitive manner, consistent with the content of chapter 14 (Supervisory Management 11th Edition). The major goal for each and every organization is to make profits. To realize such profits, a plan is developed to ensure productivity of employees with disabilities. Treating this employee in acceptable and a sensitive manner is my mission. It is therefore made achievable by giving her light duties. These a re duties that require less mental and physical energy. According to Greer & Plunkett (2006), to ensure discipline at work place, then other workers who have ability to perform normal work can be assigned some of her duties. Considering this employer on a wheel chair, most of her duties will be fixed in a part time work schedule. Providing marginal functions redistribution to effect position restructuring of what cannot be performed by her. Increasing her cover for

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Metabolite Processing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Metabolite Processing - Essay Example According to the paper the scientists have identified many metabolites related to cancer. Some of the most important molecules are phosphocholine, glycine, glutamate, aspartate and essential aminoacids. Metabolic reprogramming alters the nutrient intake and excretion. The study of the metabolic pathways involved in the transformed cells is required for the study and treatment of cancer. There are about 60 human cancer cell lines producing nine types of tumors. The metabolic pathways present in these cell lines must be studied for the treatment of cancer in the humans. The quantitative analysis of the metabolites in the given cancer cell line are done using different biotechnological techniques. Some of the analysis methods like gas chromatography time- of – flight mass spectrophotometry, orthogonal partial least squares discriminate analysis, and acquity ultra performance liquid chromatography – quadrupole time – of – flight mass spectrphotometry, Liquid c hromatography – tandem mass spectrometry and micro array data analysis. These methods are used for the analysis of the spent medium and the base line medium of the tissue. From this study it is clear that   219 metabolites were analyzed from the cancer cell lines. Out of them, 111 metabolites were found in the spent medium and baseline medium. The major metabolites that are utilized from the medium are analyzed and the data were compared with the existing microarray pooled data. The studies have found that the rapid proliferation requires rapid utilization and synthesis of the metabolites in the medium.   Glycine is a non-essential amino acid and they are not synthesized directly in the body. Glycine is produced by the conversion of L-serine into glycine by the mitochondrial serine hydroxymethyltransferase. The analysis of the glycine concentration for the rapid cell proliferation and the effect of glycine in cancer cell proliferation were analysed in this technique. The Gene silencing technique was used for the analysis of the enzyme mitochondrial serine hydroxymethyltransferase. It was observed that the glycine consumption was very less in the absence of this enzyme and the cell proliferation was very less in the glycine depriving medium. When glycine was supplied externally, the cell showed rapid cell

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The growth of the U. S. Military Research Paper

The growth of the U. S. Military - Research Paper Example In the 21st century, the American army has the largest defense budget in the world. The military makes use of advanced technology and is greatly organized. The military has participated actively in multiple wars since its inception. However, this paper will focus on the contribution of the Cold War and Vietnam War to the growth of the American military and highlight the current situation and organization of the army. The Cold War As the world war reached its conclusion, Russia had managed to control the Eastern Europe while the United States had gained control of the west. The west started a slow withdrawal from establishing an additional front in east Europe (Cowley, 2005). In addition, the United States resolved to discontinue aids to the Soviet Union after conclusion of World War II. These actions initiated tension between the two regions. Enmity was building in between the two world powers. Each of the global power had allies. One unique difference between the two countries is th e fact that Russia believed in socialism while America was capitalistic and industrious. Most of the countries in Europe were struggling to rebuild their nations after the end of World War II in1945. The Soviet Union was determined to win allies among European countries and introduce communism. The US introduced the containment policy requiring the leaders of most of the countries to remain cautious so that the Soviet Union did not get space to introduce socialism (Levy, 2004). The Soviet Union had previously threatened to expand their socialist system. The Soviet Union believed that capitalism exploited people. In addition, the Great Britain collapse contributed to the start of the Cold War. Before its collapse, Britain brought about a balancing effect in west Europe. Now that Britain was out of the picture, the United States took over. It was evident that the United States and the Soviet Union had differing goals on reconstructing the world after the world war two and the differen t interests gave rise to a cold threat. Towards the conclusion of the World War II, the American military had succeeded in making the first nuclear bombs and bombed Japan, causing immense damage. There was an intense fear of the nuclear warfare and this heightened the tension between east Europe and the west. Both countries wanted to exert a form of social and political control in countries that depended on their aid. Truman declared the Cold War officially when he decided to give financial aid to Greece. The Cold War lasted for a long time. The USSR armies and US did not have direct attacks. However, countries in support of the United States formed a military alliance. This was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This organization reached the decision that the United States would attack if the Soviet Union extended its influence to any NATO country. Russia already had control over all Eastern Europe, except Yugoslavia. The Cold War constituted of many proxy wars such as Korean War, Vietnam war and others (Gaddis, 2011). The Cold War persisted for some time and the world still experiences the effects. During the 1970-1980s, the Soviet Union was coming down because of the financial crisis. The union lacked adequate finances to run the system. Russian political and social reforms that came under new leadership did not favor the survival of the union. In 1991, the union split and withdrew from the Cold War

Monday, August 26, 2019

Transformations of the Radio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Transformations of the Radio - Essay Example Fortanale and Mills further insisted that because of this incident in the broadcasting industry, the music producers, and music co-creators tried to branch away from the broadcasting industry since they think that this particular commerce is costing them more than it is doing them the benefits of promoting their craft to the public. As a result to this, the networks in radio broadcasting tried to fix the issue through giving particular promotional offers to assure that the producers of music get the viable value that they are worth as a partner of the broadcasting industry. Through allowing them the best chance to access public appreciation for their music through direct promotional approaches to the business the broadcasting industry was able to insist that using their services of promotion and marketing would give better chances for musicians and composers to make the society realize about their art and be appreciated for what they do while gaining the profit that they deserve for the work that they do. But as noted, the revolution of the communication systems that humans perceive to have a great impact on their lives never ceases to evolve. Later on, as the intention to listen and be served with the right music people want to hear comes into a larger public concern, the human society is now more interested in having the music they want to hear right at the click of their fingertip giving way to the chances of producing online based stations that are now flooding in the Internet.6 Likely, the advancement of communication technology aided by the Internet has opened doors for the public to have an immediate source of music choices that they ought to have. These choices are practically served through several websites where users are given better chances of choosing what

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Marketing - Justification Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing - Justification Report - Essay Example The Gym has a total of two owners and three trainers all of whom have a background in the sports industry. The objective in this aspect is to seek the relevant products, which are healthy and appropriate and can effectively assist the clients in the gym with their needs associated with the aggressive training. Indeed, the training process is very delicate and requires very important essentials, which should always be available in a bid to make training a more professional aspect. In this respect, the report seeks to convince Top Tier that the potential products will greatly assist the clients in selecting healthier diets, which can positively influence their health. The initiative is further intended to offer proper training to the clients in order to enable them make relevant decisions regarding the best products to select. The initiative is intended to deal with four lines of products that include sports drinks, energy drinks, energy bars and sports shakes. The justification on the need to use these products is given on professional grounds other than on plain product promotion claims. It is in that respects that it is hoped that the Top Tier management would indeed react positively to this need and enable the products to be marketed at the gym. Problem statement In the increasingly dynamic sports environment where challenges and issues related to health continue to become major concerns, the need to provide effective products in relation to these challenges cannot be overemphasized. Healthy standards are very difficult to attain these days courtesy of the inundation of several products in the market claiming to be the solutions to the challenges realized. Often, these products never meet the objectives aspired. This initiative is therefore an important call to rectify the situation and provide the best products that can assist the trainees at the gym with all their professional healthy needs. Methods The solution to the above problem lies in the products tha t this report seeks to promote in the Gym. Today, the society is becoming more dynamic and convenience seems to be the greatest aspect that people consider before any undertaking. Energy drinks and bars have become very popular as people seek products that can quickly replenish them with energy at faster rates (Nestle 2002). Quality products that can provide these solutions always need to be at the disposal of those who need them. Well-designed products that can fulfill these functions and provide the users with all the healthy requirements are therefore the most important aspects in this regard. Weight gainers, protein powders, and carbohydrate drinks are some of the products that can give the users high quality value in terms of body requirements without subjecting them to the agony of spending too much time in the kitchen (2012). The program is intended to take a maximum timeframe of one week as a promotion period and will mostly involve educational sessions to give the potential users all the relevant information regarding these important products in the markets. It is hoped that after the program, all the trainees and everybody in the gym shall be knowledgeable enough regarding these important aspects of health and will therefore be in a position to purchase the products. Findings

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Challenges of International Apparel Brands in Penetrating China Essay

Challenges of International Apparel Brands in Penetrating China - Essay Example This paper further emphasises on the study of Chinese culture and its impact on the consumers’ preferences. China as a growing economy is seen as the prospect for the foreign brands to explore the country. China is said to be the land of opportunity and to analyse its true nature the paper has focused on the implication of Chinese culture and what international brands requires to be a part of the Chinese business market. Why china is an important market? How can china help international brands to extend their market share? These questions have also been the point of discussion in the paper. It can also be seen that China though offers opportunity, but for any foreign brand to expand into China would require a research on the Chinese consumers behaviour. Consumer research based on the behavioural pattern can make the international brands understand the market in a better way to implement the right strategy. A thorough research based on the analysis of data collection and other methods can play a significant role in understanding the true nature of consumer behaviour in context to the Chinese culture (Hoyer & Macinnis, 2009, p. 40). Methodology Research methodology can be defined as the process of analysing, collecting and devising the required information. Methodology is an important procedure for any company wanting to market its product in a new territory (Burns & Bush, 2007, p. 6-7). Market research methodology involves the explanation of the problem and the process to find the desired solution. The cause of problem and the research methodology plan are directly proportional to each other. The research methodology has also helped in determining the objective of paper which is to analyse the Chinese market and the consumer... The paper operates mainly based on research questions which can be stated as follows: Why China is an important market? How can China help international brands to extend their market share? It can also be seen that China though offers opportunity, but for any foreign brand to expand into China would require a research on the Chinese consumers behaviour. Consumer research based on the behavioural pattern can make the international brands understand the market in a better way to implement the right strategy. A thorough research based on the analysis of data collection and other methods can play a significant role in understanding the true nature of consumer behaviour in context to the Chinese culture. Chinese economy is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Since, the advent of economic liberalisation in the early 1980’s the country has seen unprecedented growth. This feature of the country has made it the hotspot for the foreign brands willing to expand their busin ess and extend their market share. Chinese culture in comparison to other cultures is different and this makes the road to success multifaceted for the global brands. Chinese consumers have strong liking for foreign brands as they hardly distinguish them as different brands but rather treat each brand as an international brand and use it to maintain their status symbol. The Chinese consumers’ behaviour has always been a subject of discussion. The case is the same in context to the international clothing brands expanding in China.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Conceptual framework in accounting are useless. Critically evaluate Essay

Conceptual framework in accounting are useless. Critically evaluate - Essay Example In this view, Tinker was in support that accounting is not through which a language to communicate (W Schweiker (1992) Accounting theories are structures that unify a basic logic or a system of reasoning. It is through this reasoning that purely speculative and interpreting decisions that accounting users this are the key stakeholders such as the shareholders use to reach their key decisions making and further analysis is done. The accounting concepts are neither laws no rules they are opinions that have been discussed and agreed to be followed. Their origin dates back to 1971 a certification of SSAP2 which included the going concern concept, the Prudence concept, Accruals and the consistency concept. The going concern concept views a business as a continuous project with no end and it is the value of the business to break it down into bits to be easy in accounting. The first assumption is the economic entity assumption this operates under the banner that the economic activities between the business and the owner is different this does not refer to the final adjustment of many activities as owners t ry to use this principle to their advantage This has been used by managers by hiding a lot of cash in different countries and avoid some checks and balances in their countries (G Morgan (1982). The enticement of tax haven have made it easier for financial users to be denied the chance and They have been able to do this due to the difference in some of principles though the guidance should be based on generally accepted principle. The other assumption of accounting is the going concern which shows out this assumption provides the owner with the assumption that if the business books are reported that the business will continue for the rest of the time and works only to give a picture of a business which has no end. The monetary unit

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Public International Law Academic year 2010-2011 PROBLEM QUESTION Essay

Public International Law Academic year 2010-2011 PROBLEM QUESTION - Essay Example For one thing, this treaty came into force in the year 2000, that is, after the date of enforcement of Vienna Convention on January 27, 1980. Besides, it is also a written covenant and belongs to the genre of multilateral treaty having four different countries, A, B, C and D as signatories, whose governments would have, on the date of affirmation of contractual agreement in year 2000, agreed to be bound by the provisions of this economic covenant among these four countries for furthering mutual co-operation and accord. However, one aspect of this multilateral agreement stands out like a sore thumb, which is the aspect of peremptory norm. It is seen that under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, any covenant that is in direct confrontation with a peremptory law is void ab initio. However, it does delineate that the rule of force or coercion for gaining consent for multilateral treaties is not permissible. This aspect is also in direct conflict with the spirit of United Nations Organisation UNO) which prohibits the use of force or coercion in reaching global accords and contracts. In this case, it is believed that State D has decided to terminate its participation in the treaty, claiming that its ratification of the 2000 treaty was gained through coercion by the threat of economic sanctions by states A, B, and C. In the event that this contention is true, the agreement becomes void and in direct violation of Article 52 of Vienna Convention 1968, which states that â€Å"A treaty is void if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations.† (Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 18). However, it would be incumbent upon State D to prove that coercion has indeed taken place. However, the present government in State D

Physics in sports Essay Example for Free

Physics in sports Essay When many people think of sports, the topic of physics doesnt always come to mind. They usually dont think about connecting athletics with academics. In reality math, science, and especially physics, tie into every aspect of sports. Sports are a commonality that brings nations together, Soccer, known as football to most of the world, is said to an unspoken language, which unties people from different lands through a passion to play a game. Athletics and sports are made by the people who play, watch, and study them. Without all of the enthusiastic participants, there would be no development, education, and intensity that we all know and love about sports. The one component that reigns over the world of sports that most people dont realize is physics, Gravity, uniform circular motion, projectile motion, and constant acceleration are a few that occur in every sport event that has ever taken place. In the three articles that I chose to write about the concepts of physics are explained in each one. In every article there is the similarity that physics and technology are the reasons for the advances in the sports. In the first article it is evident by the statement, High-tech bats have so enhanced players power that some leagues have taken to limiting the number of home runs a team can hit. (Jay Greene 2,3) Even in the second article with the statement, The higher we can get the COR, the faster the ball would shoot off from the collision ? it would go further. (Coefficient of Restitution 2,1) Lastly in the third article when the author stated, Clearly, pole-vaulting is an example of a sport in which technology has been used to improve athletic performance. (The Physics of pole-vaulting ) Without physics these technological advances could not be made. Although these technological advances dont come without some issues attached. With the new technology of the carbon and fiberglass bats, questions can be asked like, is there a point where advancements have gone too far? If bats are continuing to be modified and made to hit the ball farther, what will happen to the game of baseball? Already some bats are being banned from leagues and players feel they have to take more safety precautions because of the potential injury from the ball speed. I really believe that the bat industry will continue to thrive. As long as there are people out there willing to spend 300 dollars on an illegal bat there is money to be made. As for the golf industry there is the issue of everybody wanting to hit the ball farther, and the golf companies keep putting out new clubs that allow this to be possible. So I really think that the golf companies will continue to hover around the upper limit COR of . 83 for drivers because there is still a really high demand for drivers that hit the ball a long way. For pole-vaulting I see no issue in the near future. It will be exciting to see the new advances made to the poles and to see how high the athletes can get. As for the new sciences in the three articles I really learned a lot. I learned what the trampoline effect was and how it ties into more than just one sport. I learned what the coefficient of restitution was and how it affects the flight of a golf ball. I also learned what strain energy was and how it applies to stored energy. But most importantly I think, is that I learned that without the understanding of physics none of these sports would be organized or be able to make the advances that it has over the years. When it comes down to it everybody is affected by physics in sports. If there are rules and regulations put on products then the producers are affected greatly. The consumers are always affected by what the producers put out for them to have. If they are educated on the physics of the sport then they can make the best possible decision when it comes to picking a product. This also affects scientists; its their jobs to find ways to make the product better, in any way possible by using physics. Lastly if you are just a fan of sports it is more exciting to see the best possible entertainment, and the new technology allows for this. Looking at physics in sports and who is affected by it, its obvious to see that there is a cycle. All of the groups are linked together in one way or another. With the new technology that physics in sports allows, there are many ways that the physical science can be utilized by todays society. Giving a specific example, Baseball is Americas favorite pastime. The studies that are being done on the physics involved in baseball can greatly help the players and thus create a better sport for people to go out and watch. Baseball is a large part of our society, just like any other sport. And the knowledge of the physics involved can help make it a better sport. Staying with baseball, physical science could be utilized by the players if they study the pitcher and see if he gives certain hints that could give away what type of pitch he is throwing such as facial expressions or body movements. This would allow them more time to begin the swing and concentrate more on where the ball might end up instead of what type of pitch is coming. In general though athletes could utilize physical science. While many athletes already know how to fling a baseball, the information could be utilized to make better bats that have a larger sweet spot and also break less. Society in general could benefit because almost all things are flexible and thus have waves and vibrations. This information could be used to make roads and bridges sturdier. On the other hand though it is possible that physical science could affect society in a negative way. If scientists continue to develop new products and technology pretty soon some the world will be run by electronics and gadgets. People could lose their jobs to robots and sports would lose its competitiveness because the technology would be so advanced everybody would have and edge and skill would not shine through. All that is a stretch though, in general I believe that physical science is great for the community and there are many positive ways it can be used by todays society, not only in sports but also in everyday life. In the future I truly see all of the industries discussed in my articles thriving. There is such a high demand for sports and people trying to get any competitive advantage possible that the future looks bright. The baseball bat industry in the long run wont suffer from the new stipulation put on some of their products. Consumers will continue to buy the new bats that the bat companies put out no matter how high-tech they get. As for the golf industry I believe that it will continue to flourish even with the coefficient of restitution controversy. I dont think the USGA will budge on the . 83 upper limit for the COR of a driver on the PGA Tour but manufacturers will find a way to continue to put out new products that hit.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Assessment Frameworks in Social Work

Assessment Frameworks in Social Work Case Study The role of social work intervention is an intensely complicated one in which legislation passed in recent years has had a significant impact. On the one hand this legislation has worked so that social services have become increasingly integrated with various other local authority departments so that they can work together in effective unison. At the same time work has been undertaken to unsure that those on the receiving end of social care do not feel stigmatised or discriminated against by the care they receive, or feel confused about why they have been targeted. Problems of discrimination, as well as important problems regarding poverty, are ones which need to be taken into due consideration. These issues are especially important when it comes to children and families, as we shall see in the specific case of Karen. In the recent history the issue of social care has found itself featured increasingly prominently on the political agenda. This is because social care is an issue in the United Kingdom which requires special care, particularly when it comes to potentially vulnerable young people. It is generally believed that the welfare of parents is closely linked to the development of children (Kirk, 2003), and therefore in areas which are suffering form poverty in the UK, and where there is a cycle of poverty, there are children who are particularly vulnerable, and who in particular need to be draw to the attention of social services. Stratham identifies the following groups of children who are likely to put set aside for special treatment by social workers, and who are seen as especially vulnerable. They are as follows: Children and young people living away from home, including those looked after by local authorities or privately fostered. Asylum-seeking children and refugees, both with families and unaccompanied. Children with troubled parents, for example those living with domestic violence or whose parents have mental health, drug or alcohol problems. Some of these will be young carers. Children engaged in antisocial or offending behaviour Children whose families are homeless, and those children who are not in school. Teenage parents. Children who are abused, including those abused through prostitution and child trafficking (Stratham, 2004). A particular problem facing those working in social care is the fact that those who are in most need often tend in turn to be those who are least likely to reach out for family help, or even help from health services. Therefore when dealing with parents who have substance abuse problems or mental health problems, it is vitally important that effective links be made between the various health and social work departments. Families need to feel respected and not stigmatised by the provision of services (Stratham, 2004). Legislation, practice guidance and policy have had a significant impact on the area of social work intervention in recent years. Social Work as a profession began in the late 1800s (Eliot, 2006); however it is in the past twenty years or so that we are concerned, as this period has seen a glut of legislation and guidance to help make the delivery of social care more effective and, in turn, more palatable to those on the receiving end. In the 1980s the press reported many cases of child neglect which built in to an increased hysteria around the issue of child protection. This resulted in an increasingly authoritarian mode of child protection, which focused strongly on dealing with the perpetrators of neglect, rather than attempting to create a framework to detect and prevent warning signs (Frost, 2000). The first piece of legislation to attempt to dramatically alter the way that children’s protection was organised came through the Children’s Act of 1989. The 1989 Children’s Act empowered local authorities, and made them responsible for social services provision (Penn Gough, 2002). The aim of the Act was to entrench the partnership between the state and families, and it applied to the needs to the child and the provision of services (Cleaver Walker, 2004). Ideally the power in the partnership between the state and the parent will be evenly balanced as a result of the Act. When the Labour Government came to power in 1997 they began to introduce a raft of reports and legislation dealing with specific issues concerning child care. The ‘Supporting Families’ Green Paper of 1998 was concerned with representing the spirit of the 1989 Act, and moving new initiatives forward. The importance of the role of the voluntary sector in early years child care was noted in this Green Paper, and schemes such as Home Start were encouraged. Home Start offered support to mothers of children aged under five. The Green Paper stressed the importance of formal and informal support networks in early years child care. The paper stressed that schemes were needed to meet the physical and emotional needs of children, the social and educational needs of children, to help confidence in parenting and to provide respite to parents under stress. Home Start works with referrals from Health professionals, often to issues such as stress which is an affliction linked strongly t o poverty. Schemes such as Home Start were not intended to act as a replacement to traditional social services (Frost, Johnson, Stein Wallis, 2000). As part of the ‘Supporting Families’ Green Paper, responsibility for Day Care Centres was shifted by the government from the Department of Health to the Department of Education (Moss, 2006). In 2000 the Children Needing Care Act was introduced to prevent such phenomena as ‘foster drift’ (Eliot, 2006). The intention of this Act was very much to prevent a situation in which vulnerable young children fall entirely out of the social care system. In 2003 the Government published a further Green Paper entitled ‘Every Child Matters’. This was to become a very important document in the government’s social care policy. It was introduced largely as part of the fallout from the Victoria Climbie case, which had caused widespread press outraged at failures which occurred in social care provision. The paper set out five main aims for potentially vulnerable children. These aims were as follows: to be healthy, to stay safe, to enjoy and achieve, to make a positive contribution, and to achieve economic well-being. These aims were to underpin future government legislation on social policy (Stratham, 2004). The Children’s Act of 2004 was a further step towards acting upon the Every Child Matters Green Paper. It set up the new role of Children Commissioner – a role independent of central government and concerned with the wellbeing of children (Moss, 2006). The Care Quality Commission for England was launched as part of the Health and Social Care Act of 2008. This Act abolished several bodies to make way for this new Commission which was to be a new care standards regulatory authority whose mandate is to integrate the areas of social care and health. By this time the government’s approach of social care was becoming increasingly linked to the areas of physical health and wellbeing of young and vulnerable children. According to Stratham the integration of children’s social care with education and health was vital, as it helped to set up a proper new support service which was more likely to spot signs of neglect in early years (Stratham, 2004). It is clear that the government has moved in recent years to integrate several authorities with social care. The Health and Social Care Act of 2007 introduced measures to integrate social care between the services. At the same time it set up the new National Service Framework, a ten year programme intended to stimulate long term improvements in children’s health. This Act was aimed at everyone who comes into contact with and delivers services to children. The current focus of the government is very much on early intervention, in the welfare of children. The Government now requires all local authorities to have a Children and Young People’s Plan. When looking at this increased integration there are several arguments both for and against these developments. Whilst on the one hand these moves definitely make sense as these disciplines certainly are linked with each other, on the other hand the result of this can sometimes be an increased in paperwork, and an increasingly confused megalith in which one hand does not know what the other is doing. An increase in paperwork has certainly been a complaint of other organisations under New Labour, most notably the Police. It is therefore also worth noting that increasingly social services and the police have been encouraged to work together in recent years, particularly in the area of children’s wellbeing. Members of social work teams are encouraged to contact a local Police Authorities Child Protection Officer. It is often difficult to coordinate services in any local authority, and when social services are required to cooperate with so many departments it seems inevitable that problems will occur. There is a further problem which is that any changes in the social care structure or methods to reduce poverty which are introduced tend to be slow to trickle down to the grass roots, and to those experiencing most poverty where this care is most needed (Penn Gough, 2002). The trend in the Government’s approach to social care has changed in recent years to a shift towards empowering individuals involved in the system as opposed to forcing themselves onto people, as many felt was the case in the eighties. This seems to be backed up by the introduction of procedures such as the Assessment Framework (New Statesman, 2007). One of the main strands of government policy has been the introduction of anti-poverty measures. This is why Gordon Brown’s introduction of the Sure Start initiative was widely seen as so important as it made an attempt to put an emphasis on children born into poverty (Kirk, 2003). One introduction designed to help those on the receiving end of social care intervention was the Common Assessment Framework. A common parental complaint before the introduction of the Assessment Framework was a lack of information from social workers, regarding why they were being targeted and what the process was etc (Cleaver Walker, 2004). The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) is a standardised approach to conducting an assessment of a child’s individual needs. The Assessment Framework encourages parental involvement in the assessment process, and means that social workers have to compare information. The main point of the Common Assessment Framework is to encourage social workers to talk through the role of the assessment framework with parents. Questions have been raised from certain sections of the social work community about relevance of the assessment framework, with claims being made that some families find it intrusive. However a report conducted by Cleaver and Walk er entitled Assessing Children’s Needs and Circumstances suggests an improvement in the overall provision of social care since the Assessment Framework was introduced. Core assessment means there are in detail discussions between parents and social workers (Cleaver Walker, 2004). *** The process of social work intervention is one which works on many levels. There is macro intervention by social workers which takes place in the community as a whole, however more relevant in this case is Micro intervention which is intervention on an individual level to those who are in most need of intervention. Local authorities can initiate care proceedings in the protection of children. These proceedings are initiated in the case of fear of ‘significant harm’. There is confidentiality regarding reporting of abuses which are generally encouraged by the police and social services but which can lead to abuses of the reporting system. A single incident will often trigger a referral if problems have been brewing for a while. Suspected physical abuse is a prevalent issue, and one which social workers need to act most swiftly on, often in conjunction with the police (Cleaver Walker, 2004). Also if there is suspected alcohol and drug abuse then this is a big problem where the raising of a child is concerned (Penn Gough, 2002). The importance of service user rights are paramount for many reasons. Service user rights are largely protected by processes such as the Assessment Framework, where users gain a greater understanding of the processes of the system. Those who report suspected abuses have confidentiality rights in the social work system. As has been mentioned many feel this can lead to abuses, are not helpful in explaining to those on the receiving end of social care interventions why they are being targeted. In the case of Karen it is clear that members of the social work team should tread carefully. On the one hand the identity of the neighbour who has reported the abuse must be protected. On the other hand Karen needs to be able to understand why she is being targeted, and therefore the various steps of the Assessment Framework need to be talked through with her. If there are problems regarding the children’s safety and hygiene it is vitally important that you liaise with the relevant health services, and work closely in conjunction with them. If your assessment shows neglect then the next step that you would have to taken is a potential court action for care of the children. The ASPIRE model stands for Actualising Social and Personal Identity Resources. The Aspire Model has been designed to harness the potential associated with important subgroup social identities (Haslam, 2003). Application of that model within an organisation is specific to certain goals, and in this case thi s model can be useful in properly formalising integration between social work and other services. Discrimination is a problem for all social work departments, and there are many issues relating to discrimination which social work teams have to be very much aware of. It is important that social work should be non-stigmatising and it is also crucial that it should not be discriminatory (Frost, Johnson, Stein Wallis, 2000). Issues which need to be taken into consideration include poverty – an issue which is highly prevalent in Karen’s case – and also issues of race and gender. It needs to be taken into account that most users of social care are female. This is firstly because females are often the primary carers of children (Kirk, 2003), however there are other core reasons for this fact. Of the fifty parents surveyed in one study undertaken by Penn and Gough, only three respondents were men. This is because of the fact that men tend to be less likely to want to liaise with social services, due to an overall suspicion of the process, and of receiving this sort of help in general (Penn Gough, 2002). Other studies seem to suggest racial minorities are less likely to be knowledgeable of the role that social services can play if they are experiencing problems. Some research suggests that Black and Minority Ethnic parents are less likely to be aware of the possible role that social services can play (Stratham, 2004), and are therefore less likely to seek help (Penn Gough, 2002). There are certainly problems is members of ethnic minorities are not fully integrated into the community. On top of these other discriminatory issues it is also widely considered that social care as it stands discriminates against the elderly and disabled in society (Guest, 2007). In Conclusion social work traditionally tends to focus on issues such as emotional support. However the issues which are raised by those who are users of social care tend to be more likely related to financial assistance (Penn Gough, 2002). Against this backdrop the best that social care workers can do is to ensure that they work together with the relevant authorities, particularly those in health, to try and ensure the best start possible for children, and to root out potential neglect. At the same time they need to ensure they have good relations with those whom they are trying to help, and this is why the Assessment Framework is so important. In this way if final decisions have to be taken then they will do, and it is vital that the intervention process is followed. Bibliography Cass, B., Exploring Social Care: Applying a New Construct to Young Carers and Grandparent Carers, Australian Journal of Social Issues, Volume: 42. Issue: 2, 2007 Cleaver, H., Walker, S., Assessing Children’s Needs and Circumstances, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2004 Eloit, A., Reflections on Working for Childrens Social Services in the United Kingdom, Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association, Volume: 9. Issue: 1, 2006, Frost, N., Johnson, L., Stein, M., and Wallis, L., Home Start and the Delivery of Family Support, Children and Society, Vol 14, 2000 Gilbert, F., Finally, Freedom: Well Learn to Love the Bill, New Statesman, Volume: 135. Issue: 4782, March 6 2006 Guest, The Wheels Are Coming off Social Care: Our Way of Looking after the Old and Disabled Is Already Failing and Will Get Worse, New Statesman, Volume: 136. Issue: 4864, October 1, 2007, Haslam, A., Social Identity at Work, Psychology Press, 2003 Kirk, R. H., Family Support: The Role of Early Years’ Centres, Children and Society, Vol 17, 2003 Moss, P., Farewell to Childcare?, National Institute Economic Review, Issue: 195, 2006 Penn, H., and Gough, D., The Price of a Loaf of Bread: Some Conceptions of Family Support, Children and Society, Vol 16, 2002 Stratham, J., Effective services to support children in special circumstances, Thomas Coran Research Unit, UCL, 2004 National Service Framework Documents, Department of Health, cited at: New Statesman, Round Table: A New Deal on Social Care? Participants Debate the Harsh Realities Confronting Society in Deciding the Kind of Autonomy We Want over Our Care and How We Can Find the Money to Fund It, Volume: 136. Issue: 4864, October 1, 2007, Western Mail, Discrimination of Princes Trust Loans and Grants, February 15, 2005, Western Mail, Quality of Patient Care Has to Be at the Heart of a Progressive Health Service, April 10, 2006,

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Disciplines In Health Promotion Health And Social Care Essay

Disciplines In Health Promotion Health And Social Care Essay In the past years there has been an increasing expectation of new strategies and ideas concerning Public Health and Health Promotion with regards to effectiveness, efficiency and the importance of a wide range of various disciplines contributing to enhance the uses of resources and the practice of health promotion (Macdonald and Bunton 2004). This assignment will explore with critical reflections and throw more light on the importance of the various disciplines such as psychology, sociology, economics and ethics that contribute to improve the practice of health promotion. Discussions will include the relevance of economics, sociology and ethics to the practice of health promotion and ways in which these can contribute to understanding and evaluating health promotion. Finally it is expected that this assignment will highlight the problems and challenges identified, address them and make recommendations for professional practice. CONCEPT OF HEALTH The most acceptable known definition of health, states that health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO 1946). However, although this definition has been accepted widely as a holistic and positive interpretation of health, it has been criticised for not including the spiritual and emotional aspects of health (Ewles and Simnett 2003 cited in Bennett et al 2009 p. 48). The question is what really informs the understanding of health and ill health considering the lay people and the practitioner is that, the definition of health is entirely personal to the individual and his/her life styles. This has become necessary that healthcare professional should understand that the interpretation of health is highly understood differently from one person to the other with regards to issues militating against them from one point of time such as self-esteem, social support, individual control and social status (Laverack 2007), so that in an attempt to address these issues one should be ready to consider to embrace and undertake interventions of health promotions to achieve realistic goals. Blaxter (1990) identified five main concepts of health as follows, health as a physical fitness, health as social relationships, health as a function, health as psychosocial well-being, that prevails with young men of higher socioeconomic groups and lastly, health as not ill that is the absence of symptoms or medical effort widely used by all group. The term health promotion describes a multidimensional approach to encouraging health related lifestyle changes among individuals and communities (Laverack 2007). Health promotion aims to allow people to increase their control over their health and the factors that affect it, with the ultimate aim of enhancing health and its determinants (WHO 1986, 2005). Naidoo and Wills (2000) described three levels of health education as follows, Primary prevention for example immunisation, Secondary prevention for example screening. Then Tertiary prevention which aims to limit complications associated with irreversible conditions, for example cardiac rehabilitation. However, an individuals approach to health promotion will be influenced by their own health beliefs and that of the profession they represent. Ewles and Simnett (2003) outlined a framework of five approaches that demonstrate a range of values and beliefs that are commonly held. A value is an idea or concept that is regarded as worthy, desirable or useful (Moore 2001). And according to Fishbein (1976), a belief is a probability judgement that links some object or concept to some attribute The five approaches are; Medical approach to prevent disease, Behaviour change approach that is persuasive education, Educational approach that provides patients right to make an informed choice, Empowerment approach, this is patient-centred approach that helps patients to identify their own learning needs and, facilitated by a health educator, gain the knowledge and skills they require to make decisions about their health needs and the Social change approach this does not focus on the individual but on society as a whole (Ewles and Simnett 2003). Similarly health promotion interventions can be achieve by adopting the downstream approaches to tackle health behaviours that give rise to problems and upstream approaches to tackle the causes of such behaviours such as alcohol and smoking problem that leads to social exclusion and poverty. To alleviate this problem taxes should be imposed on such items and local employment programmes set up at the upstream to tackle the cause. Health info rmation and behaviour programmes should be provided to solve this problem at the downstream (Mckinlay 1979). THE DISCIPLINES For health promotion to be effective and efficient, it is important to explore a variety of disciplines as well as the use of an available resources and the appropriate evidence base practice (Macdonald and Bunton 2004). The question is which discipline ideas, concepts or theories inform us in promoting health? But generally it has been said that psychology has played an important role in formulating strategies (Bennett and Murphy 1997; Bennett et al. 1995), identifying aims and objectives and suggesting effective approaches for health promotion (Bunton et al. 1991; Bennett and Murphy 1997). Psychology therefore is concerned with the scientific study of the processes of the mind and behaviour and how human and other animals relate to one another with the environment (Colman 1988). It has been found that psychological theories by using communication model of behavioural change has proved successful and reported of positive outcomes for example, according to Boots and Midford (1999), suggested that females were used in campaigning in mass media activities to raised awareness of drivers to stop drinking when driving in Australia. Similarly Petty and Cacioppo (1986) by the use of Elaboration Likelihood Model explained how pre-existing beliefs and interest of an individual as well as the message content (how it is package) has a positive impact in changing behaviour that is the likelihood of a known HIV positive person who is involve in a campaign of promoting National AIDS awareness programmes can effect an increase knowledge, less risky attitudes and a safer behaviour chang e than somebody without the disease (Scollay et al. 1992). It has also been found that the use of the health belief model has given an in-depth understanding about low rates of compliance to screening and prevention recommendations. This type consist of five models, more common are the approaches that increase the barriers to unhealthy behaviours that is by use of increasing taxation in tobacco or alcohol that serves as an effective deterrent with young adults who are more affected by price changes than older adults (Lewit et al. 1981). But Brownson et al. (1995) also affirmed that by imposing restrictions on such items on alcohol without licencing, renders it ineffective that poses political issues and controversy. Also through Social learning theory (SLT), that states behaviour is the product of a relationship between perception and environmental events (Bandura 1997). It has been realised that, behaviours are influenced by two sets of expectancies, the first being the action-outcome that explains the fact that if an individual believes th at a particular action will cause disastrous health problems like smoking causes cancer then the individual sees the outcome as a value. The second being the self-efficacy expectancy, that is if the individual realises that giving up of smoking will reduce the risk of getting cancer then the person places a high value on the behavioural change. These two expectancy beliefs have been found to be effective in helping to resist peer pressure to smoke or the use of drugs (Stacy et al. 1992) and engaging in safer sex practices (OLeary et al. 1992). However it has been argued that behaviour comes as a result of a formal decision making and seems to be habitual and thoughtless (Hunt and Martin 1988). Conversely economics as a discipline has also contributed to health promotion either in a positive or negative way globally. Health economics according to Santerre and Neun (2009) studies the supply and demand of health care resources and the impact of health care resources on a population (p.4). It can also be used to access the impact of tax changes on smoking behaviour, for instance increasing taxes on such item like cigarette would be very effective. Because it will increase the cost of cigarette which will in turn correspond to a reduction in the number of young adult smokers and at the same time reduce the amount of consumption. Similarly the changes in tax do not actually affect the number of adult smokers. On the other hand if taxes are imposed on cigarettes, the disadvantage is that tobacco duty is going to go up which will affect the poor more the rich (Grossman and chaloupka 1997). Economic policies has also threaten the developments of interventions globally for instance, the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) which was hailed as a new frame work for development that would have propelled and directed change in the spheres of hunger, health and human right, equality and education is being threaten by economic problems of soaring commodity prices, government decisions of misdirecting funds and global slowdown to bring it to reality. For example this will affect the UN population fund, whose agency focuses on maternal and reproductive health which is a major public health issue for instance it has been estimated that, in India the number of women dying during childbirth is highest anywhere in the world that is one woman dying every three to six minutes from preventable causes, yet the country spends less than 0.9% of gross domestic product on public health. On the other hand it would cost the world $6bn to stop women dying during childbirth less than the amount s pent in a day and a half on the military. Also sound economic investment could go a long way to bring success in countries across Asia pushing down the poverty levels. At the same time political priorities, if geared towards health-related MDGs will help save women from dying, reduce child mortality rate, combat HIV/Aids, promote gender equality and eradicate extreme poverty and hunger globally (Holmes 2008). Another discipline of importance is sociology which has also played an effective role in promoting health. Sociology enables us to understand the structure and dynamics of society, it attempts to analyse the patterns of human behaviour and individual life changes. It also examines the different forms of social structures like groups, organisations, communities and social categories such as gender, age and race and various social institutions like kinship, political, economic or religious groups that affect human attitudes, actions, values and beliefs as well as opportunities (Thorogood 2004 cited in Macdonald and Bunton 2004). The significance of this has highlighted an understanding into how health and illness affect our everyday life and has also criticised medicine as a tool to support capitalist development and exploitation (Navarro 1974; Doyal and Pennell 1979). According to Illich (1976), medical dominance has done a lot of harm than good for example the practice of biomedicine has created a lot of sicknesses as a result from the risk of surgery, anaesthesia, effects of drugs and immunisations. This has also open ways to examine and to improve ways of different factors of health issues that is beyond the field of medicine and which the medical world does not have an adept opinion, and sociology can offer an insight into how and why these progressions occur. These also include the family structure, housing problems and employment issues as well as policies and suggest ways to address them (McKeown 1979; Kennedy 1983; Townsend and Davidson 1982). The adoption of health promotion strategies has come under scrutiny in a sense that not only does the approach of information-giving is enough to change a person but then the issue of empowerment model that is gaining greater control and making a free choice (Tones 1986 ). For example health promotion campaign in recent times has not been successful to address the issues relating to educational responses to HIV/AID. There has been various criticism in the approach with regards to norms and values that has been associated to targeted groups and more importantly the ideas and values that binds the campaign which were not expressed (Watney 1988a).The issue of impasse facing government-sponsored programmes between agencies have been emphasised, on one hand and need for appropriate information on a vital public health issue on the other as well as a political and social unwillingness to support the profile of sex (Wellings 1988; Watney 1988b). The reasons for this tension is perhaps the s ensitivity of undertaking any public educational activities which addressed forms of sexual relationship that might misinterpreted and could damage the traditional family values (Jessopp and Thorogood 1990). This can be achieved by carefully adopting a skilful decision-making strategy of acknowledging the individual social and political views as well as the structure of the community and their pre-existing values and beliefs. This will influence the ways in which information is perceived and operated on, decision-making and choice (Thorogood 2004 cited in Macdonald and Bunton 2004). Another area that has been criticised is the concept of evidence-base to inform health promotion policy and practice for achieving health outcomes (Bowen and Zwei 2005). Programmes designed to support evidence-base health promotion (EBHP) are being investigated and discussions are on-going to find out which mechanism could be most effective to support the evidence into policy practice and relevance of practice guidelines. Even though resources can be found in large organisations that are responsible for making sure the implementation of policy and supporting EBHP practices and decision making processes (Davies 2005; Speller et al. 2005), there are well documented barriers that include lack of aptness, lack of relevance of research, mutual mistrust and lack of personal contact between researchers, policy-makers and practitioners, poor quality research, political instability, resource limitations and lack of expert opinion to explain evidence. Though many organisations are making sure to develop strategies to alleviate these barriers, there is still limited published research discovering the experiences of practitioners in the interest of evidence-based resources to inform practices. But in seeking to improve the evidence-base for health promotion and public health a multi-dimensional approach is required (Nutbeam 1999; Tang et al. 2003). CONCLUSION This essay to a large extent has given an insight into understanding the concepts, principles and models of health as well as public health and health promotion as being applied in a national and global context. It has also highlighted in a broader perspective understanding as to the way in which psychology has contributed effectively in a more rigorous application of psychological theories within health promotion interventions and evaluation designs (schaalma et al. 1996). And more also as a discipline to a large extent the contribution made in economics to health Promotion in identifying which forms of health promotion are worthwhile and which is not and therefore provided a framework which enables identification of where the benefits of health promotion justify the cost and to what extent. Lastly understanding the relevance of sociology for health promotion which has helped to outline the broad basis of sociological methods, considering the contribution this method has made or mig ht make and the criticism of health promotion, both in its methods and in its goals and objectives. 2,502