Thursday, October 10, 2019

Conditions to Effectively Leverage Technology for Learning Essay

Great leaders create results, inspire others and attain goals through their shared qualities such as vision, passion, decisiveness, commitment, influence, character and cooperation. Similarly, to foster academic success, all educational stakeholders ought to have a shared vision of what the can result to be and communicate this vision among themselves. To begin with, the principal plays a multifaceted and pivotal role in setting the path that school will take. This direction should not only be positive but also productive especially to the teachers. On the side of the students, it should provide the students with a vibrant learning environment. A comprehensive program ought to be instituted to cheer up, cultivate and sustain effective leaderships of schools for the realization and speeding up the achievement of the students. So as move the student’s achievement upwards, those endowed with their academic performance that is the teachers, principals, teacher educators and even district administrators are under obligation to be accountable for the students. For instance, New York City Department of Education won the 2007 urban education Broad prize since the entire district schools had performed well. The brawny leadership by the chancellor, mayor and the teachers union contributed much to the students’ achievement. Solidarity and sharing also foster the willingness of each leadership level and even the student fraternity to share knowledge, resources and accomplishments In order to achieve the above discussed shared vision, the educational leaders ought to be adequately empowered to assure the realization of the vision. To empower them undertaking leadership trainings that will boost accountability will be essential. These leaders have also adopted implementation planning to facilitate the effectiveness of their schools and also the learning process. They incorporate digital learning resources and information and communication technologies (ICT) for the creation of multiple learning opportunities and deeper understanding and exhibition of the contents of their curriculums. Most of the New York schools have availed high speed access internets, interactive white boards, LCD projectors and improved the right of entry to rolling laptop carts. These technologies have promoted the students’ skills in communication, fostered understanding in science and math and facilitating organizational skills. Consistent and adequate funding can not be ignored since for the academic achievements of the students, money is required to training the administrators, support the ICT infrastructure, other personnel and staff development and the installation of the digital resources. Although the State’s Legislature was reluctant to allot the necessary funds so as to constitutionally provide a sound basic education to each student, a divisional appeal saw the implementation of the same. District funds have been used to mould the school administrators into instructional leaders, change agents and civic leaders. This consistent funding, of around $428 million, has led to the excellence in the public schools in the entire district. Due to the increased use of the new technology in these schools, adequate technical support and a robust technical infrastructure are important. This will ensure that these technological infrastructures support the teachers’ work in a more realistic manner. Each student should be allowed equal access to the different technologies since each of the plays a totally different role from the other. This equity should be bias-free in terms of sex, ethnicity, students with special needs and also the disadvantaged. The universal technological participation supports engaged learning thus reducing the levels of inequality. Moreover, the district schools have ensured an apparent access to electronic networks and computers for the realization of a significant change in the classrooms. On-site technical support must also be easily accessible by the teachers since the support managers are bestowed with all-time assistance troubleshooting during and after lessons. Students can hardly achieve academically or benefit from the various technologies if their teachers are not conversant with them. Support has to be availed to these educators so as to make them choose the appropriate instructional strategies and technologies appropriately. This makes sure that the teachers are very comfortable and experienced in their demonstrations of these technologies. Additionally, they can integrate the technological knowledge in their curriculum and in fostering changes in the assessment methodologies. On-going professional development assists the teachers in learning how to use the new technology. Additionally, the teachers are able to unleash to the students meaningful instructions accompanied with relevant demonstration activities in class. The on-going professional learning is vital since single workshop training can not be sufficient for the teachers to learn and understand everything about the technology. Schools-proposed learning curriculums should aim and helping the students acquire superb communication skills so as to enable them to be in their expressions. This can be achieved through pencil and paper work, audios, animations and also videos. Moreover, it should facilitate the learners’ ability to analyze and interpret data, manage and prioritize classroom tasks, develop problem solving methodologies and utilize the acquired knowledge in identifying and mitigating probable risks. So as to ensure that the learning process is student-centered, their goals, expectations, population and their learning criteria should be identified prior. This will enable the education direct their efforts in satisfying them. In gauging the understanding level of the learners, various assessment and evaluation methodologies are incorporated. This appraises both the technological applications put in place and also the achievement of the student. Furthermore, the administrators get to know the adaptability, usefulness and appropriateness of the technology. Remedial actions are then taken at a later date to streamline the students in case of deviations. This evaluation is based on the National Education Technology Standards. Besides, a community stakeholders’ committee assesses the ideas that emanate from various educational stakeholders and those committee scrutinized proposals that go through are adopted by schools in the entire district. This committee also performs equity assurance and guidance roles. Other support policies and supportive external context have been set up to further student achievement. For instance, teachers are provided with classroom computers and also have also adopted the use of electronic grade-books. This has become a requirement so as to report on the students’ attendance trends. Moreover, daily log-ins has been instituted. In other cases, students and administrators have received rewards that are based on their performances.

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