Friday, September 13, 2019

An investigation into the potential impact of using a different Dissertation

An investigation into the potential impact of using a different approach of people management and its possible benefits in impro - Dissertation Example ually helps to improve the overall organizational performance has been argued a lot. Organization around the world has now understood that employees are the biggest asset. Likewise the attitude and performance of the employees can act as a decisive factor for the success and failure of a venture. Various studies often shed light on the fact that management of people or people management is the most difficult task for an organization (Bach, 2005). The term people management can be simply referred to as the management of human resources of an organization. It encompasses various tasks such as hiring, training and management, providing support to the employees and also controlling the workforce. Moreover the specified tasks are hiring, administration, communication, organization development, compensation, safety, wellness, benefits, performance management, employee motivation and training. In this context according to some eminent scholars, the key requirements towards the success of an organization are highly dependent on the commitment levels, management dedications as well as the performance of the employees of the organization. 1.1 Introduction to the Study The study will entail various performance management tools and will also highlight different techniques of people management. Furthermore the report will give insights to the topics pertaining to people management in an organization. It will be segmented into five sections. The first section will define the important concepts and will offer a brief overview of the company. Furthermore the research objective along with the research questions will be also presented. The second section of the project will be the literature review of the area of study. In this context, the study will describe earlier works of the scholars in the field of people management. In addition books and scholarly articles will be also consulted. The sources that will be used to accomplish the study include electronic sources, books, and journal articles. The third segment will portray the research methodology. The methodology to be followed for a conducting the study will be illuminated. In this context of the study, both primary as well as secondary data will be collected. The instruments to be used for collecting the primary data are questionnaire and focus group interviews. The questionnaire survey is meant for the employees of BeechWood, while the focus group interview is meant for the HR executives and managers of Beechwood Company. The fourth section will be about analyzing the data. The recorded data will be analyzed and meaningful information will be provided. Both qualitative as well as

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