Saturday, September 21, 2019

Chemistry TAS Report Essay Example for Free

Chemistry TAS Report Essay 1. Experiment Number : 10 2. Date : 18/01/2008 3. Title : Determination of the equilibrium constant for the reaction : Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) = FeSCN2+(aq) 4. Aims/Objective : To determine the equilibrium constant for the reaction : Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) = FeSCN2+(aq) 5. Introduction / Theory: In this experiment, the equilibrium constant for the formation of a complex ion, FeSCN2+(aq), is determined. Complex ions, thiocyanatoiron(III) ions, are formed from iron(III) ions and thiocyanate ions in aqueous solution : Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) = FeSCN2+(aq) (1). see more:chemistry matriculation notes semester 1 The equilibrium constant for this reaction is:Kc = [FeSCN2+(aq)] (2) [Fe3+(aq)][SCN-(aq)] The product complex ion is the only one of the three species which has an appreciable color (blood-red). 6. Relevant Equations/Chemical Reactions Involved : Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) = FeSCN2+(aq) 7. Chemicals : 0. 002 M KSCN(aq) 50 cm3 0. 2 M Fe(NO3)3(aq) 20 cm3 8. Apparatus and equipment : Boiling tube 5 Dropper 2 10 cm3 measuring cylinder 1 Lamp 1 25 cm3 measuring cylinder 1 Wash bottle 1 Safety spectacle 1 250 cm3 beaker 1 9. Procedure : 1. 0. 2 M Fe(NO3)3(aq) was used and 10 cm3 of 0. 08 M, 0. 032 M, 0. 0128 M, 0. 00512 M Fe(NO3)3(aq) were prepared respectively. The solutions were added by using 10 cm3 measuring cylinder to 5 clean boiling tubes in a rack as below. Tube No. 1 2 3 4 5 SCN-(aq) / cm3 10 10 10 10 10 Fe3+(aq) / cm3 10(0. 2 M) 10(0. 08 M) 10(0. 032 M) 10(0. 0128 M) 10(0. 00512 M) 3. Tubes 1 and 2 were wrapped around with a strip of paper so that light was excluded from the side. 4. The solutions towards the lamp were looked vertically down to compare the colour intensity. 5. Some of the solution from the standard tube 1 was removed with a dropper until the colour intensities of solutions in both tubes were the same. And the removed liquid was put into a clean and dry beaker. 6. The depth of the solution in tube 1 was then measured. 7. Steps 3 to 6 were repeated with tubes 1 and 3, 1and 4 and finally 1and 5. 10. Observations : The colour intensities of the solutions in the two tubes being observed were the same. 11. Data, Calculation and Results : Height of solution in original tube 1 = 59 mm Height of solution in tube 1 having the same colour intensity as tubes 2, 3, 4 and 5 are : Same colour intensity as 2 3 4 5 Height of solution in tube 1 (mm) 45 35 28 23 12. Conclusion : The equilibrium constant for the reaction : Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) = FeSCN2+(aq) was found to be 82. 1 M-1. 13. Discussion : 1. By M1V1 = M2V2, For tube 1, initial concentration of SCN-(aq) = 0. 001 M initial concentration of Fe3+(aq) = 0. 1 M For tube 2, initial concentration of SCN-(aq) = 0. 001 M initial concentration of Fe3+(aq) = 0. 04 M For tube 3, initial concentration of SCN-(aq) = 0. 001 M initial concentration of Fe3+(aq) = 0. 016 M For tube 4, initial concentration of SCN-(aq) = 0. 001 M initial concentration of Fe3+(aq) = 0. 0064 M For tube 5, initial concentration of SCN-(aq) = 0. 001 M initial concentration of Fe3+(aq) = 0. 00256 M 2. Concentration of FeSCN2+ in tube 1 = 0.001 M 3. Ratio of depth in the colour comparison with tube 2 = 45 /59 = 0. 763 Ratio of depth in the colour comparison with tube 3 = 35 /59 = 0. 593 Ratio of depth in the colour comparison with tube 4 = 28 /59 = 0. 475 Ratio of depth in the colour comparison with tube 5 = 23 /59 = 0. 390 Equilibrium concentration of thiocyanoiron(III) ions: In tube 2 = 0. 001 x (45 / 59) = 7. 63 x 10-4 M In tube 3 = 0. 001 x (35 / 59) = 5. 93 x 10-4 M In tube 4 = 0. 001 x (28 / 59) = 4. 75 x 10-4 M In tube 5 = 0. 001 x (23 / 59) = 3. 90 x 10-4 M 4. [Fe3+]equil = [Fe3+]initial [FeSCN2+]equil = 0. 04 7. 63 x 10-4 = 0. 0392 M [SCN-]equil = [SCN-]initial [FeSCN2+]equil = 0. 001 -7. 63 x 10-4 = 2. 37 x 10-4 M 5. Room temperature = 16 oC K = [FeSCN2+]equil / ([Fe3+]equil[SCN-]equil) = 7. 63 x 10-4 / [(0. 0392)(2. 37 x 10-4)] = 82. 1 M-1 6. There are few sources of error in this experiment. (1) Determination of colour intensity in the two tubes observed might not be accurate. (2) Taking reading when measuring the depth of liquid. Error estimation When taking initial reading, error is + 0. 05 cm3. When taking final reading, error is also + 0. 05 cm3. Therefore, error is + 0. 1 cm3.

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