Monday, September 9, 2019

Elder abuse and death claims Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Elder abuse and death claims - Assignment Example One of the most salient social themes that come out in the story is that of abuse and how extensive it can go without being disclosed or realised. Victims of abuse have, in many cases, been silenced or intimidated to silence especially if they are minors or physically challenged (Oliver and Charles, 2015: 135). Philips’ case is no exception as he received countless abuses but continued to be quiet for very many years. Impairment/disability according to Bennett (2012:194), are a risk factor that puts individuals at high chances of being abused. Individuals suffering from impairments and disabilities especially physical and mental paralysis are taken advantage of as they lack the capacity for self-dependence. Bonnano (2012: 738) argues that dependence on other people for social support is the reason that makes this group fall prey to abusers.Disabilities hinder one from acquiring skills that can help them to manage their lives especially in the financial aspect (Larkin, Shields and Anda, 2012: 267). They have to depend on family members and other people to help them sign or fill forms that relate to financial matters. It is at this time that the abusers take advantage to exploit and defraud the victims. Philips’s cerebral palsy situation does not just affect his physical well-being but also his physiological status. This has put him in a situation where he has to depend on them fully for all-around support. Physical as well as emotional abuse becomes almost inevitable (2012:194).

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